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Delicious Seafood Chowder Recipes for Meat Lovers

Category : Seafood recipes | Sub Category : Seafood chowder recipes Posted on 2023-07-07 21:24:53

Delicious Seafood Chowder Recipes for Meat Lovers

Delicious Seafood Chowder Recipes for Meat Lovers
A seafood chowder is a comforting dish that combines the flavors of the sea with the heartiness of a soup or stew.. Meat lovers can enjoy this dish by incorporating their favorite meats.. We will be sharing some delicious seafood recipes that are also good for those who like the heartiness of meats.. These delicious seafood chowders are sure to warm your soul.
1. The bacon and clam chowder is a popular dish.
Adding bacon to your seafood chowder is a great way to enhance the flavor.. This soup is made with a creamy soup and is flavoured with vegetables and herbs.
There are ingredients.
6 slices bacon.
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic.
3 potatoes are peeled and diced.
2 cups of clam juice.
2 cups of heavy cream.
1 bay leaf.
1 pound fresh clams, scrubbed and diced.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Fresh parsley for a drink.
1. Cook bacon in a pot.. Remove the bacon and leave the fat in the pot.
2. The bacon fat will be softened by the onions and garlic.
3. Add the diced potatoes, clam juice, heavy cream, and bay leaf to the pot.. The potatoes should be cooked until they are tender.
4. The clams should be diced in the pot and cooked through.
5. Add salt and pepper to your food to make it taste better.. Consuming hot, with bacon and parsley.
2. Sausage and Shrimp
This seafood chowder is made with seafood and sausage.. The combination of spicy sausages and shrimp creates an explosion of flavors that is sure to please even the most avid meat eater.
There are ingredients.
4 sausages are sliced.
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic.
3 potatoes are peeled and diced.
Chicken or vegetable soup is 4 cups.
1 cup heavy cream.
1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined.
1 cup of corn.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Fresh chives for a drink.
1. In a large pot, cook the sausages over medium heat.. Set aside the sausages.
2. The onions and garlic are softened by cooking the sausage fat.
3. The diced potatoes and the soup should be in the pot.. The potatoes should be cooked until they are tender.
4. Sausages, heavy cream, shrimp, and corn are cooked in the pot.. The shrimp is cooked through.
5. Add salt and pepper to your food to make it taste better.. Serve hot and have fresh chives.
Meat lovers can enjoy both worlds by incorporating meats into seafood chowder recipes.. Adding bacon, sausages, or other meats to these dishes adds a delicious depth and heartiness.. The combination of flavors that seafood and meat bring to this classic soup is what these recipes are about.. Enjoy the richness of these seafood chowders while staying warm.

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